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Jun 15, 20214 min read
Hololens: when yesterday’s science fiction becomes today’s reality
With the Hololens, more than just a new technological gimmick, it is a new work culture that has been created and is here to stay.
Jun 8, 20214 min read
How 3D technologies can serve the real estate industry
3D technologies have quickly become useful and relevant to many sectors such as real estate, especially in the context of the pandemic.
Mar 30, 20212 min read
Real-time and offline 3D rendering: what are the differences?
There is a contrast between offline 3D rendering and real-time 3D rendering. But what are the differences between these technologies?
Mar 22, 20212 min read
XR basics #1
To better understand the XR technology, it is necessary to know some basic vocabulary frequently used by XR actors. Learn with us!
Mar 1, 20214 min read
How do sports retailers seduce their customers with VR & AR?
Sports are dynamic by nature. Therefore, it seems natural that this dynamism is reflected in the customer's shopping experience via VR & AR.
Feb 4, 20213 min read
Will tomorrow's event sector be digital?
With agility and creativity being part of the DNA of the actors in the event sector, it is clear that digital formats have emerged.
Jan 28, 20214 min read
Luxury and 3D technology: how to mix tradition and modernity?
Luxury carries a creative heritage while technology is associated with innovation. Today it is still possible to reconcile luxury and techno
Jan 20, 20214 min read
Virtual trade shows: the future of trade exhibitions?
As levers of communication and business opportunities, virtual trade shows have become popular and are far from being new.
Jan 11, 20215 min read
Virtual showrooms: the sales tool to boost business?
Born from the meeting of the physical and the digital, virtual showrooms opens the doors of a real immersion for a better decision-making.
Jan 6, 20217 min read
How did COVID-19 act as a driver for technological adaptation?
The context of the global pandemic has brutally shaped our lives in a new way.
Apr 16, 20204 min read
AR filters: New Eldorado of Expression & Creativity for Brands
AR filters or AR lenses have become a phenomenon and a trend that many brands are surfing in order to expand their channels of expression.
Apr 6, 20203 min read
Haptic technology for a better immersive experience
Feel the future! Haptic technology could disrupt the boundaries between the virtual and the reality and have an influence on the immersion.
Nov 6, 20193 min read
The augmented immersive catalogue : enhanced customer experience
The augmented catalogue is an immersive application using the codes of a conventional print catalogue with AR tech. Discover how to use it!
Sep 18, 20193 min read
How can ergonomic simulation improve work conditions?
With Virtual Reality, Ergonomic simulation can help companies improve their employees’ work conditions and productivity process enhancement.
Sep 11, 20192 min read
AR in the supply chain : collaboration or substitution ?
AR devices and robots can integrate AR and that’s why industrials began to use it in their warehouses. They are the future of the industry.
May 28, 20192 min read
XR in the Automotive industry?
Over the last century, we have seen more and more automotive constructors offering a way to personalize cars with XR technologie
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